
application:stop(erlcass) is blocked

Closed this issue · 3 comments

start () ->

stop() ->
application:start(erlcass), %% block in there
ok. %% never run to here

I try erlcass in my app. start erlcass is ok and all fucntion work well. but when I try stop erlcass. it block and never finish. I used prepare statement to aync insert something. Should I need clean somthing before stop erlcass?


No, you shouldn't do anything. Do you have a minimum steps to replicate this problem ? We are not able to do it.


Have you found the problem ? I'm wonder what was the issue.

It is NOT a issue. I am newcomer for erlang , In my app, I tried to call function other module to call application:stop(erlcass), it should be blocked. The right logic is I should stop my app firstly, in my app stop callback function , call application:stop(erlcass), the erlcass will be stop. I tested this was no any issue for erlcass start and stop.