
Library of basic control modules for factory simulation (AX training purposes)




This library was created for the Fischertechnik Factorysimulation 24V. It contains classes for the basic elements of this Model. In the current state only the SortingLine is finished and can be fully implemented using this library. This library includes the following classes:

  • Actuator
  • Compressor
  • ColorSensor
  • Axis
  • TimeBasedEncoder
  • Motor

Those classes can be used for the calculation of the position based on the time.

Install this package


apax add @simatic-ax/axftcmlib





This is a base class for all control modules

title: ControlModuleAbstract
    ExecuteCommand <|-- ControlModuleAbstract
    class ControlModuleAbstract{
        +WORD GetErrorStatus()
    class ExecuteCommand{
        +BOOL Busy()
        +BOOL Done()
        +BOOL Error()
        +WORD ErrorID()

Class ActuatorTimeBased

title: ActuatorTimeBased
    ControlModuleAbstract <|-- ActuatorTimeBased
    class ControlModuleAbstract{
        +WORD GetErrorStatus()
    class ActuatorTimeBased{
        +QControl : IBinOutput;
        +OnDuration : TIME;
        +itfCommand Start()
Method Description
Start() Actuator will be activated for the time OnDuration
Example for the class Cylinder ...
      Actuator : ActuatorTimeBased := (QControl := Q_Actuator) ;
      Q_Actuator : BinOutput;
      DQ : BOOL;

    cmd := Actuator.Start();
    IF NOT(cmd.Busy()) THEN 
      IF (cmd.Done()) THEN
        ; // your code
    DQ := Q_Actuator.Q();  // True if actuator is active

Class Compressor

Method Description
Enable() Turns the compressor on
Disable() Turns the compressor off
Example for the class Compressor ...
      Compressor : Compressor := (QControl := Q_Compressor) ;
      Q_Compressor : BinOutput;
      DQ : BOOL;

    cmd := Compressor.Enable();
    IF NOT(cmd.Busy()) THEN 
      IF (cmd.Done()) THEN
        ; // your code
    DQ := Q_Compressor.Q();  // True if compressor is active
    cmd := Compressor.Disable();
    DQ := Q_Compressor.Q();  // returns False


### Class ColorSensor

|DetectColor(DetectedColor : INT, ColorArray : ARRAY[*] OF ColorRange) : INT |Takes INT-value from sensor and compares it to a Array to find the correct color. ColorArray is a Array of ColorRanges which contains the thresholds for the corresponding color |

<details><summary>Example for the class ColorSensor ... </summary>
    SortingLineColorSensorValue : INT; //Actual Value provided from the sensor
    ColorSensorClassInstance : ColorSensor; //Instance of the class
    ColorValueArray[0..1] OF ColorRange := [(StartValue := 19801, EndValue := 30000, color := Colors#UNKNOWN), (StartValue := 6000, EndValue := 9999, color := Colors#WHITE)];
      //Gives the area in which each color is set
      ResultColor : INT;

    ResultColor :=  ColorSensorClassInstance.detectColor(DetectedColor := SortingLineColorSensorValue, ColorArray := ColorValueArray);
    //outputs the detected color as an INT/ TYPE Colors (from Lib)
Colors and ColorRange ...

  ///Contains all Colors that the Sensor should know -> Can be expanded
      Colors : INT (UNKNOWN := 10, WHITE := 1, RED := 2,  BLUE := 3); // default value = UNKNOWN

  ///Defines the area in which the values equals a certain color
      ColorRange : STRUCT
          StartValue : INT;
          EndValue : INT;
          Color : colors;

Class Axis

The Axis consists of a motor and an Encoder

Motor ...
Method Description
Move(Velocity : LREAL, direction := Direction) starts movement depending on the direction
Halt() Stops any current movement

The motor is usually completely controlled through the Axis but needs to manually write on the output.

    SortingLineMotor : BOOL; //Actual PLC-variable
    MotorOutputWriterForward : BinOutput; //Used to write on the PLC-variable
    MotorOutputWriterReverse : BinOutput; //Used to write on the PLC-variable
    MotorClassInstance : MotorFT := (Forward := MotorOutputWriterForward, Reverse := MotorOutputWriterReverse ); //Class instance initialized with the needed OutputWriter

  //The methods of the motor are all called by the axis but could be added here.
   MotorClassInstance.MoveVelocity(Velocity := 1.0, direction := Direction#Forward);
   MotorOutputWriterForward.WriteCyclic(Q =>SortingLineMotor);//Writing on the Actual PLC-variable ->needs to be called in every cycle

Encoder + TimeProvider ...

If you haven't a hardware encoder for the Axis, then you can simulate this hardware encoder by the TimeBasedEncoder which calculates the position based on time. The time will be provided by a TimeProvider. This TimeProvider is based on the PLC cycle time

Class TimeBasedEncoder

Method Description
Reset() Sets current Position to 0
SetValue(value : LINT) Sets position to a certain value
GetValue() : LINT Outputs current value as LINT in mm
Evaluate() Measures change in position based on the velocity and cycle time (from the encoder)

Class TimeProvider

Method Description
Evaluate() Measures the time needed for one cycle of the CPU
GetElapsedSeconds() Outputs the measured time

     TimeProviderForAxis : TimeProvider; //Class instance
     TimebasedEncoderForAxis         : TimeBasedEncoder  := (TimeProvider := TimeProviderForAxis, EncoderAxis := ConveyorbeltForSortingLine, Velocity := 1.0); //Class instance
      //Encoder needs access to the axis to check, if it is running

    TimebasedEncoderForAxis.Evaluate(); //Checking the position every cycle -> must be called every cycle
    TimeProviderForAxis.Evaluate();    //Checking the cycle time -> must be called every cycle
   //Axis uses this information for the monitoring of the current position

Method Description
RunCyclic() Execute the cyclic evaluation of the axis
MoveVelocity(Velocity : LREAL, direction : Direction) moves the axis with given speed into certain direction until Halt() is called
MoveRelative(velocity : LREAL, distance : LINT) : BOOL moves the axis for a distance based on the current position
MoveAbsolute(velocity : LREAL, position : LINT) : BOOL moves the axis based on a default point -> Axis needs to be homed
Homing(velocity : LREAL, direction : Direction) : BOOL moves the axis into its homing position
Homing(Position : LINT) : BOOL homes the axes without movement -> position is set to given value
Halt() Stops all movement
GetPlcOpenState() : PlcOpenState Returns current status of axis: Ready, busy, done, error
IsRUnning() : BOOL Checks, if the axis is currently moving
Example for the class Axis ...

    SortingLineMotor : BOOL; //Actual PLC-variable
    MotorOutputWriterForward : BinOutput; //Used to write on the PLC-variable
    MotorOutputWriterReverse : BinOutput; //Used to write on the PLC-variable
    MotorClassInstance : MotorFT := (Forward := MotorOutputWriterForward, Reverse := MotorOutputWriterReverse ); //Class instance initialized with the needed OutputWriter
    TimeProviderForAxis : TimeProvider; //Class instance
    TimebasedEncoderForAxis         : TimeBasedEncoder  := (TimeProvider := TimeProviderForAxis, EncoderAxis := ConveyorbeltForSortingLine, Velocity := 1.0); //Class instance

    AxisReferenceSwitch  : BinSignal;
    ConveyorbeltForSortingLine : Axis := (Motor :=  MotorForAxis, Encoder := TimebasedEncoderForAxis, ReferenceSwitch := AxisReferenceswitch);

    TimebasedEncoderForAxis.Evaluate(); //Checking the position every cycle -> must be called every cycle
    TimeProviderForAxis.Evaluate();    //Checking the cycle time -> must be called every cycle
    ConveyorbeltForSortingLine.RunCyclic(); //Must be called every cycle
    ConveyorbeltForSortingLine.Homing(Position := 0);
    ConveyorbeltForSortingLine.MoveAbsolute(Velocity := 1.0, Position := 4000); 

     MotorForwardOutputWriter.WriteCyclic(Q => SortingLineMotorForConveyor); // Write output signals 


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