
Add support for []

Opened this issue ยท 8 comments

meain commented

Cannot do .[]

๐Ÿ‘ I stumbled immediately over this.

That raises the question, which jq features are supported and which are not. And which version of jq (featurewise) is used.

Yes, would be nice to have more jq constructs available. ๐Ÿ˜

Looks like a duplicate of #49

Try instead, a fork using jq (from your PATH) to evaluate queries.

meain commented

Yeah, I guess this is a duplicate of that issue. I was hoping we could have an implementation for this.
If this feature is something that will never be implemented, I can close the issue. Just thought I would keep it open otherwise.

@jandubois thanks a lot of jiq.

q2dg commented

This project seems dead: last commit was from two years ago. Let's see jiq

@simeji: could you guide me to implement this? go rookie but motivated ๐Ÿค 

I just found this and immediately got to this issue, jig is archived now (a few weeks ago). Is there any syntax resembling .[]?

Bump. Any decent alternative?