
SP metadata is lacking the AttributeConsumingService key

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SP metadata is lacking the AttributeConsumingService key

should be fixed by a836d92

but we need to make it configurable dynamically !

add these two keys to the $settings array:

// assertion consuming services
// in this array, the order is important: the 0-base index will be used
// as assertion consuming service index in the API calls
'assCs' => array(
    $base . "/acs.php", // full url
    $base . "/acs1.php", // full url
// attribute consuming services
// in this array, the order is important: the 0-base index will be used
// as attribute consuming service index in the API calls
'attrCs' => array(
    array('name', 'familyName', 'fiscalNumber', 'email'),
    array('fiscalNumber', 'email')