[feature] type support
ghostdevv opened this issue · 5 comments
Currently there are no types shipped with the package, would be nice to do this
In terms of options to auto generate types, you can either stick with the current rollup build system and use sveld
to generate types. Or you can switch to sveltekit package and use that to build the package
I've created a type definition. You can add it as dev dep.
I've created a type definition. You can add it as dev dep. https://www.npmjs.com/package/@types/svelte-range-slider-pips
Thanks @i7N3 ... is this a normal/accepted way to handle the issue? And if so is the issue closable? Or should the types be defined inside the repo?
I've created a type definition. You can add it as dev dep. https://www.npmjs.com/package/@types/svelte-range-slider-pips
Thanks @i7N3 ... is this a normal/accepted way to handle the issue? And if so is the issue closable? Or should the types be defined inside the repo?
- Yes, if a package does not bundle its own types.
- Yes.
- When a package bundles its own types, types should be removed from Definitely Typed to avoid confusion.
As someone mentioned here, there is a better way to rewrite svelte-range-slider-pips to typescript.