
TorontoJS AR Workshop - September 10th 2019

Primary LanguageJavaScript

In advance of the Augmented Reality Workshop, please make sure you have the boilerplate prepared! Please complete the following steps ahead of time. This will give us more time to focus on the fun parts of the workshop!

Step 0: Make sure your computer is set up to develop react native applications. This means that with a generic react-native init <project> you are able to get something up and running in react native.

The goal of these steps is to get a simple "hello world" AR project working before the workshop.

Steps to prepare for Workshop

Step 1: Download Viromedia app to your phone, we need this for its TestBed feature which will help us iterate faster!
Step 2: globally install ngrok with npm or yarn
Step 3: globally install react-viro-cli with npm or yarn Step 4: In your react-viro init [MyJSWorkshop] Step 5: Put your API key inside your App.js file Step 6: Run the app: npm start Step 7: Run ngrok! using the command ngrok http 8081 step 8: Ngrok should give you a forwarding address at https://[myurl].ngrok.io step 9: Find the testbed on the ViroMedia app and enter that address in. If all goes well, your app should render!

If you have trouble setting this up please don't hesitate to reach out to me and I will do my best to help you ahead of time or at the event.