
holiday support

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I would like to have holiday support in this project.
The basic support is that if holiday=True, getparash will return the closest parasha or holiday, plus to add the hol-hamo'ed parashos to all parashos.
I don't mind contribute it myself, but first I would like to discuss the design with you.

What do you mean Chol Hamoed Parshios? Do you mean the special Torah reading for each day of the holidays?

I meant adding "Hol-hamo'ed Sukot" (and the same for passover) parasha to the parshios list, and return it on the shabbos of hol-hamo'ed.

The way I see it, if you did getparasha (with holiday=True) today (Tuesday of Hol-hamo'ed) you would get "Hol-hamo'ed Sukot", and if you did it on Sunday you would get just 'Sukot' (since that's the closest)

Do you mean returning the holiday of the following Shabbos or of the day of the week given if it's a holiday?

yes. it will just add to the parashos pool also holidays (rosh ha'shana, yom kipur, sukot etc.) and holiday's shabbos.