MagicaVoxel .vox format export error
RichysHub opened this issue · 9 comments
Image above shows the same model in VoxelShop, and in MagicaVoxel.
As you can see, the model has been flipped.
I believe the error has arisen as VoxelShop is a left handed coordinate system, and MagicaVoxel is right handed. Flipping a single axis direction on the export should fix this.
Model used: VS_MV
@RichysHub Interesting. Can you give a quick step by step what you are doing to reproduce? Just importing the model?
Isn't there a flip option for the export in the voxelshop exporter? I got some time now and will look at this and also at the physics exporter!
The only export option that supports the flip to right handed coordinate frame is the Qubicle .qb export
Right. There are so many exporter and importer. I sometimes confuse them... Magica voxel one is relatively new, so there might be an issue there.
@RichysHub Can you confirm this is fixed now please: