
A library that scatters some ImageViews around haphazardly, or orderly

Primary LanguageJava

Scatter Image View

A library that scatters some ImageViews around haphazardly, or orderly




    implementation 'com.simmorsal.library:scatter_image_view:1.0.0'


Your XML file should look like this:


The rootView of your XML layout file should be a RelativeLayout (or FrameLayout), add anything you want to the layout, and at the bottom of the rootView, add ScatterImageView, and set it's width and height to match_parent.

NOTE: if you give an elevation to any of the layouts, make sure to give a higher one to ScatterImageView.


Aside from getting a reference to the ScatterImageView in the XML layout, this part has two steps. One, adding images at the start of layout creation. and two, starting the animation.

  1. First keep in mind that all the images you add are stored in one list (more on this below). For adding images use any of the following 4 methods:

    addImage(Context context, int imgRes, Bitmap bitmap, int size, int color, int count)

    Use this method when you want to add one image. If you want to use an imageResource, pass null for bitmap, and if you want to use bitmap, pass 0 for imgRes.

    addImages(Context context, int size, int color, int count, int... imgReses)
    addImages(Context context, int size, int color, int count, Bitmap... bitmaps)

    The two methods above are used when you have a set of imageResources, or bitmaps.

    addImages(Context context, int size, int count, Entry... entries)

    This is for when you have multiple images, and you want each to have it's own colorFilter. Here is an example for the last method:

        scatterImageView.addImages(this, 40, 20,
                new Entry(Color.parseColor("#FFEB3B"), R.drawable.beer),
                new Entry(Color.parseColor("#D81B60"), R.drawable.glass_wine));

    You can pass either imageResource or bitmap as second argument for Entry.
    This example creates 20 instances of images in entries array, totaling in 40 images added to the list.

  2. To start the animation, you can first choose the scattering to be orderly (like dollar signs and hearts in the GIF above), or haphazardly (like music notes and drinks in the GIF):


    Then call start() on the object:

    start(int posX, int posY, int duration, int travelDistance)
    start(int posX, int posY, int duration, int travelDistance, int from, int to)

    posX and posY are the position you want the animation to start. duration is how long should it take images to move travelDistance from the center.

    As mentioned above, all the images you add are stored in one list. So by using from and to in the start(), you can specify from which image to which one you want animated.

    So continuing example above:

                    .start(x, y, 2000, 100, 0, 39);

    So if you added 20 more images to the list and wanted to show them, pass 40 for from, and 59 for to.

    Tips on getting posX and posY with touch:

    If you want to pass the touch position to the start(), 2 easy ways are like this:

    • One, if you have a widget the size of the screen and want the touches to be registered on that (like the GIF example above), make the widget clickable, and then listen for the touch on it:

      fullScreenWidget.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {
          public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent motionEvent) {
              // this if acts like a click, so if you need onClick on the widget, write your code in this IF
              if (motionEvent.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
                  int posX = (int) e.getX();
                  int posY = (int) e.getY();
              return false;
    • Two, if you don't have a full screen widget, instead you have a widget inside a, say, NestedScrollView, you can write the exact same code as above for it, with the difference of getting the location of the widget on the screen, and adding values to the posX and posY:

      int[] widgetPosition = new int[2];
      int posX = (int) e.getX() + widgetPosition[0];
      int posY = (int) e.getY() + widgetPosition[1];

Important notes:

  • You can add images to the list at any point of app's runtime, but as it makes the app stutter, I suggest doing it in onCreate.
  • If you dont want colorFilter on you images, pass 0 for color.
  • All the sizes are in dp.


None. have fun with the code.