Enable filtering of log output
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simoami commented
Feature: Log filtering
In order to utilize log efficiently
As a Mimik user
I would like to be able to filter log output
Scenario: No filters
Given that mimik is installed
When user executes the `mimik run --debug` command
Then use will see log output
And displayed logs should not be filtered
Scenario: Wildcards
When user executes the `DEBUG=* mimik run --debug` command
Then use will see log output
And displayed logs should not be filtered
Scenario: Comma-separated filters
When user executes the `DEBUG=command,runner mimik run --debug` command
Then use will see log output
And displayed logs should only show logs for command and runner
Scenario: Filter prefixes
When user executes the `DEBUG=driver:base run --debug` command
Then use will see log output
And displayed logs should only show logs for the BaseDriver
When user executes the `DEBUG=driver:* run --debug` command
Then use will see log output
And displayed logs should only show logs for all active drivers