
version > 2.0.0 and webdev incompatibility ?

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I tried to include 2.1.4 into my simple web application and there are conflicts with the build_config etc.

If I used 2.0.0, it has some problem handling my ERC721 abi in the ContractAbi constructor.

This seems to be due to the code generation introduced which requires the build_config package etc.

How can I use 2.1.4 in this context ?

You should complain about webdev not supporting the latest dependencies, that always annoys me as well. You can also remove webdev from your pubspec and use dart pub global webdev ... instead.

What error message are you getting from pub exactly? For me it's webdev not supporting the latest io package which sounds like a problem with webdev to me.

the conflict comes from the build_config package use between webdev and web3dart. I am using the global webdev(2.59, 2.6 and 2.7 tried) all ends up the same problem.

anyway, I have clone this project and change the build_config package dep(so use local copy rather than from the published one) and it works now.

just curious though, how can anyone using 2.1.4 for flutter which targets web ?