Bundle Branch Analyzer

npm License: MIT Code Style: Google Build Status

Compare the bundle size of different branchs in seconds

CLI tool to compare the bundle size generated by webpack from different git branches, useful to optimize your bundle size and to prevent big bundle size increases between branches.

Optional Arguments

  -t, --targetBranch <branch> Define target branch to compare with your current branch (default: master).
  -m, --mode <mode>           Output format. Should be `server`, `static` or `console`.
                              In `server` mode the analyzer will start HTTP server to show bundle report.
                              In `static` mode single HTML file with bundle report will be generated.
                              In `console` mode it will output the bundle report in the console
  --webpackConfig <path>      Define the path location of your webpack config script (default: webpack.config.js)
  --outputDir <path>          Define folder where webpack stats and reports will be located (default: ./bba)



npm install -g bundle-branch-analyzer


MIT © Simón Iribarren Godoy

Any suggestion or collaborations are very welcome! (simon.ig13@gmail.com)