Incorrect Sync Sort
Opened this issue · 7 comments
I have a simple definition that returns about 130 results
Autoplaylists gets the sorting wrong for most of my playlists, with this example I expected playlist that I've played 10 or 11 times to be above the ones I've played only 7 times as specified in the sort section of the definition..
See the second to the last column, you can see 7 comes before 10 and 11
I've noticed this for a while, is something wrong with my query?
Thank you.
Huh, that's odd. Yeah, I'd expect the sort to work that way, too. I'll see if I can recreate it and get back to you.
Hm, I haven't been able to recreate this.
When you test the playlist do you get the incorrect ordering? Or is it only after the playlist syncs that it becomes incorrect?
Yes, Test is correct, becomes incorrect after sync.
Apologies for the late reply
Hm. My guess would be this is just Google falling behind with syncs.
Do you have the "enable change batching" setting enabled? If not, try turning it on, reloading and then waiting a few days to see if that helps.
Yeah, most likely. Still you may as well trigger a sync and then send me your logs so I can check for signs of problems on our end.
Someone also brought this up on the mailing list: