Playlist with thumbs up criteria includes songs that don't have it
spookypeanut opened this issue · 5 comments
My conditions for my playlist are this:
Synced 09/01/2019, 19:25:52 by Autoplaylists for Google Music™ to contain: (rating thumb equals "up" and playlist is not equal to "Thumbs up without subscription") sorted by: .
And yet a couple of songs in the playlist do not have thumbs up (and I haven't changed them recently).
Any idea what happened?
Hm. When you hit use test button in the extension, do the songs there match what you're seeing on Google's end?
Hm. This is a long shot, but did you use the 5-star rating lab in the past? I've seen some strange handling of those after Google converted everything to thumb ratings.
If so, you may be able to fix it by rating them, waiting for Google to sync them, then unrating them again.
Glad to hear it!