Zero Knowledge DAO - cast anonymous votes (uses the AZTEC Cryptography Engine + Proofs).
We represent a share in the DAO as an AZTEC ZK-note and represent a "vote" as a ZK proof of a % of that balance.
We can use the totalSupply of the original ERC20 share token to calculate the number of votes required to pass a proposal.
We then repurpose the dividend proof to prove that a shareholder "votes" a % of the totalSupply of available votes,
without revealing their total number of shares nor their identity (notes can be transferred anonymously).
Our proof-of-concept is a contract and a test suite which proves the concept.
We haven't slept, make a Github issue if you'd like to play / chat further.
Liam Zebedee (@liamzebedee), Simon Dosch (@simonDos), Max Niemzik (@ethyla)