
Ticklers should be date-times and not just times and they should have a snooze button

Opened this issue · 2 comments

The time would normally be hidden and set to some default value. However you could show the time and change it if you wanted to.

working code at
also supports custom intervals.

Nice catch! I never create ticklers without dates so I didn't notice
this possibility. Should be fixed now -- added a check to see if
mgtd_date was ticklerIsActive.

Simon, if you do decide to use this, note that ListBoxPlugin has been
tweaked from the TiddlyTools version. I commented out one line that
was causing "weird refresh problems" (search for that comment to see
it). Also, though not included, I did write a small code snippet that
checks for new tiddlers every five minutes or so and if one is found,
it notifies the interface so that tickers etc. is refreshed. I
usually run my mGSD for many days without refreshing (F5) the page.