
Addon to display movies durations in hours:minutes instead of minutes in Kodi

Primary LanguagePython


Displays movies duration in hours and minutes instead of only minutes while navigating in Kodi 17 movies library. Kodi skin has to be tweaked, see exemple below.

Exemple: 108 minutes is now displayed 1h48.

When launched the script provides those properties :

  • Window(Home).Property(Durations.HoursMinutes)
  • Window(Home).Property(Durations.Hours)
  • Window(Home).Property(Durations.Minutes)
  • Window(Home).Property(Durations.DBID)

Exemple of integration in Estuary skin

2 files need to be modified as follow :


Add this new variable at the end of the file (before the </include>) :

<variable name="ItemDuration">
    <value condition="System.HasAddon(script.duration)+
        [Window.IsVisible(Videos) | Window.IsVisible(Movieinformation)] +
        !String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(Durations.Hours)) +
        !String.IsEqual(Window(Home).Property(Durations.Hours),0) +
        !String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(Durations.DBID)) +
    <value>$INFO[ListItem.Duration] min</value>


Replace <label>$INFO[ListItem.Duration,, $LOCALIZE[31132]]</label> with <label>$VAR[ItemDuration]</label>