
i want to know how can i find the coordinates of the bounding-box for player

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Just like the title, could anyone help me?

i know this is extremely late, but hopefully this will be useful for others

you can use the coordinates of the joints in a pose and take 4 extreme values : the minimum x and y coords, and the maximum x and y coords, you can use this 4 points for the bbox. Be mindful it could be better to add some padding / margin to enlarge the box a little

IIRC this is the approach simone used in his paper

actually i have found the method. But i really appreciate that u can help me.thanks :)

Hi! I am having issues with the dataset. The clips/joint positions and annotations_dict.json don't seem to be having same names.
For eg., the annotation for file 0012193 is given as class 8 but that file doesn't exist in the dataset. Did you also face a similar issue?
Thank you.

Guys, did anyone get a sample of the code to train with my videos?