
getDepthPixels() and getofDepthPixels() not working correctly?

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I'm an openFrameworks user ("irregular" in the openF forum) and I had made a thread there about a simple test I wanted to make. It is supposed to be a simple merge between the standard opencvExample that comes with oF 007 and msKinectExample that comes with the addon, so nothing fancy.,8047.0.html

The problem is that I never managed to turn the Depth Information into information that openCV can read and turn to blobs, either using getDepthPixels() or getofDepthPixels() which is really weird and I tried many different approaches (using ofPixels, ofImage, ofTexture, Unsigned Chars).
The thread also describes my results (with screen captures) trying to change the resolutions from 320x240 to 640x480 and back. I am not aware if this is an issue or not but I've had no luck trying to find better documentation.

The following reply in the ofxMSKinect thread over at openF Forum has the source I had made, using Visual C++ 2010 Express and the Microsoft Kinect SDK as required, in a Windows 7 SP1 x64 computer:,7282.msg38105.html#msg38105

I would describe this issue as being an unsuccesfull attempt at using what you describe in the Feature list as "4. transform depth to video" as image data, that can be ported to openCV for blob analysis. Only after many replies I have decided to post this here as an issue.

Also, I am very thankfull for ofxMSKinect and any support will be greatly appreciated.