
ComboBox Error

wwderw opened this issue · 4 comments

The ComboBoxChangeEvent does not appear to be working (or in) the latest version of Nigui. I had to go back to when ComboBox was first added in order to get the functionality back (I may not have needed to regress that far back, but I did that just to make sure).

I don't know if this was on purpose if combobox is to be deprecated or if this is bug, just thought I would mention.

Using the latest dev Nim branch on Arch.

How are you using it?

This example works:

import nigui


var window = newWindow()

var container = newLayoutContainer(Layout_Vertical)

var comboBox = newComboBox(@["Option 1", "Option 2"])

comboBox.onChange = proc(event: ComboBoxChangeEvent) =
  echo comboBox.value

Using your exact code, I get error unidentified identifier (which is the same error that I got earlier).

Now, I am on 1.7.1 Dev for Nim. Would that have any bearing on it?

I have created a new NiGui release (v0.2.6), which includes the ComboBox onChange event. The previous release (v0.2.5) did not include this. I think this will fix your unkown identifier error. The compiler version should not be relevant.

That seems to have done it from what I can tell.
