
Firefox 42.0 for Linux Mint 1.0 - Combined options "Pause by default" + "Show indicator" cause GIFs to disappear

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello folks,

on forums, many people use to have very annoying GIF animations, so I looked for an add-on which allows me to pause GIFs by default. This one does it, and I also found the option to show indicators above paused GIFs useful - just in case I want to see the animation.

But, activating said "Pause GIFs by default" & "show an indicator for paused GIFs" together causes my browser to show nothing in place of those GIFs. If I deactivate the indicator option, the GIFs appear in frozen state - as planned.

I would find the indicator option to be very useful, please let me know if there's an easy workaround or fix for that problem.

Thank you in advance, greetings

That's odd... Does it happen for all pages, or just for some?

There have been some reports of Firefox accessibility options breaking things, and similarly with CSP, although I wouldn't expect images to disappear entirely. I do think I saw that kind of effect come up at random during development of the feature though, and blamed it on bugs in Firefox... Would also not surprise me if it it's caused by interference with some other addon.

This behaviour might be related (not sure if that happens just for me though and it's pretty specific but it might help find a bug):

Pause GIFs by default - enabled
show and indicator for paused GIFs - enabled
Display GIF controls on hover - enabled

  1. From within Reddit, open an Imgur link in a new tab (e.g. on /r/gifs) → GIF is not displayed
  2. Hover over the area where the GIF should be or start the animation with the shortcut → GIF displayed

I'm on Windows 8.1 with FF 43.0.1 but also happened in FF 42 and earlier if I remember correctly.

Couldn't reproduce with those exact steps, but since this report I've been noticing some cases of disappearing images too. They show up when pressing Ctrl+A to select all, though, which means this is certainly a Firefox bug. I suppose SVG filters are somewhat untested.

Can reproduce on Windows 8.1, FF 48.0.2
May be some sort of incompatibility with another add-on