
Add a toolbar button

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Can you implement a toggle button for the Firefox button bar?

Sounds like a reasonable idea. Same behavior as Ctrl+M, yes? The only question is that of which icon to use... I pushed a prototype to the toolbar-button branch, which works only on Australis.

Thanks. Sounds good.
Couldn't resist to test it on Fx27 anyway but yes, it doesn't work. :) Good to know its coming.

(Fx29 has been released, but I still have no good icon. :( )

Working nicely here. Thanks for that. :)
I think the icon is ok. Clearly distinguishable from the others.

This could work (from @sootn):
skrmbild frn 2014-06-01 15 34 45

With the v1.2 update the icon is gone? Is that intended?

The icon never landed in 1.2 (hence this issue still being open). I've updated the "toolbar-button" branch though, to be on top of 1.2 and include the icon above, so feel free to use that.