
Store string number where node is defined

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Product number: YAML-CPP 0.5.1, GCC 4.8.1

1. I've implemented YAML::convert< my_own_structure >::decode(...). First step 
is structure validation, next is parsing.
2. During validation I'm using { return false; } if YAML structure is 
unaccepted for me. This stops parsing and YAML-CPP generated error message is 
returned. This error message does not contain any information about place of 
It's very difficult to find mistake in large YAML structure.

I believe the best way for error-reporting is to print call stack and line 
number where { return false; } happens first.
For example:
"Invalid node 'my_task'.'options'.'datetime'.'date' at line 86"
But implementation of such feature may spend a lot of time.

To my opinion the simplest way is to print line where invalid node placed and 
allow user (me) to get this line number.

Original issue reported on by on 15 Aug 2014 at 4:23

Yeah, this is a good idea. I think there's a related issue somewhere.

Original comment by on 22 Aug 2014 at 3:53

Original comment by on 22 Aug 2014 at 3:54

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