
Sso not working. Do u have plan for fixing ?

songhanpoo opened this issue · 6 comments

First thing, i wanna appreciate your ideal.
I have setup completed. But i cant use sso with active directory. Can u suggest anything for implement ?

SSO will not work with this api version! As Pritunls own authentication servers handle the whole SSO stuff, track instance ids and verify users I won't implement this part for privacy concerns (and also this would need to be securly implemented and a database).

You need to be more specific - what exactly do you propose?

Hi !
I have intergrated with AD. many thanks.
Can i ignore notification when login ?
Screen Shot 2021-08-05 at 15 09 16

Good to hear! Yes, this notification is just to let you know the modification is working.

Hi! Can you brief explain when request to fake api ?
I dont have experience with php.

I don't really get your question... To investigate any incoming request (with their data), just enable debugging at the end of the PHP script (if (false) -> if(true)). You'll then see what the Pritunl server requests and how the api responds. When you plan to add SSO support, you'll have to answer those requests correctly - for that the Pritunl code should give you an idea.

Hi @simonmicro !

Many thanks.