
Request for translation update

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Persian translation of OpeningHoursParser and OpeningHoursFragment on transifex is complete, but isn't available on Vespucci.

Which version of vespucci were you looking at?

Currently latest version from Google Play (15.0.1).
Previously also on 14.x.
Actually I haven't seen Persian translation for this since translation on transifex.

hmmm I need to check on this.

The translation is available when I try here (the vespucci introduction seems to be missing though).

That's strange...
Some screenshots from my android 7.1.1 with Persian locale:
Preferences (OK):

When I tap 2nd item from buttom (manage template):


Or when I want to edit opening hours within form:

Seems as if the last build didn't include the translations properly, rebuilt and reincluded in Vespucci, works now. MarcusWolschon/osmeditor4android@50180c8

After updating to 15.0.2 from play store, it was still showing untranslated strings, except for one string (unfortunately I didn't take a screenshot, but the translated one was "collection times" probably).
Then I uninstalled and installed Vespucci again. Now almost all are translated.
(Screenshot of manage template screen)