
Implement Nested Tree

simonprovost opened this issue · 0 comments

Title: Implement the Nested Tree Classification Technique 🔬

Description: Implement the Nested Tree Algorithm which should create a new tree structure made of nodes with decision tree inside. The strategy is available in the reference below. Note the algorithm should consider features grouping. 🚀

Ovchinnik, S., Otero, F. and Freitas, A.A., 2022, April. Nested trees for longitudinal classification. In Proceedings of the 37th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (pp. 441-444).
🎯 Task Breakdown:

  • 1. Implement the Nested Tree base algorithm using Scikit Learn decision tree for inner nodes trees and for outer node, create the structure without library for a better management
  • 2. Improve the implementation for parralelization for searching the best tree split for a given process
  • 3. Create unit tests for each implementation 🧪
    • Description: Develop comprehensive unit tests to validate the correct implementation and functionality implemented.

🎉 Cheers! 🎉