
Not working with CairoMakie

Opened this issue · 8 comments

I'm trying to use it with CairoMakie, but it's not working. Instead, I get just the usual "text" one gets when trying to plot an image in the REPL without KittyTerminalImages.jl.

I'm running the latest stable version of Makie.jl (v 0.15) and Julia 1.6.3.

I already tried using pushKittyDisplay! with no success.

When I tried CairoMakie in the past, it worked for me, but I will try to reproduce the error. Can you try if using AbstractPlotting.inline!(true) can solve the problem?

Is AbstractPlotting from CaiorMakie? Cause I get an error saying the function is not defined.

AbstractPlotting is a Julia package, but apparently it has been moved inside Makie. Can you try

using Makie



Weirdly I think I was able to reproduce your error, but suddenly it started working for me and now I can't reproduce it anymore. Maybe it was some special combination of package versions.

Now it works! Thanks ;D
Great package, btw, thanks for coding it.

Actually, there is still some issue. It's not working anymore O.o Very odd. I guess if you load CairoMakie before the Makie.inline!(true), you might run into some errors. I'm still trying to pin point if that's the actual case.

Actually, it seems that the issue is that I'm running a floating terminal inside vim. :/

jbrea commented

KittyTerminalImages.jl worked great for me with CairoMakie until I updated recently to the new version CairoMakie 0.9. Now it doesn't work anymore. Any ideas how to fix this?

jbrea commented

KittyTerminalImages.jl worked great for me with CairoMakie until I updated recently to the new version CairoMakie 0.9. Now it doesn't work anymore. Any ideas how to fix this?

CairoMakie fixed this with the 0.9.1 release.