"Image was NaN% different from saved snapshot with undefined different pixels."
Opened this issue · 6 comments
I get "Image was NaN% different from saved snapshot with undefined different pixels." error with following settings:
Windows 10 / vscode
Cypress version: 13.7.2 (same error with 13.2.0)
@simonsmith/cypress-image-snapshot: 9.0.2
cypress-image-snapshot is the only plugin I'm using (cf: #26)
// cypress.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from 'cypress';
import { addMatchImageSnapshotPlugin } from '@simonsmith/cypress-image-snapshot/plugin';
module.exports = defineConfig({
e2e: {
experimentalStudio: true,
experimentalRunAllSpecs: true,
setupNodeEvents(on) {
on('after:screenshot', (details) => {
import { addMatchImageSnapshotCommand } from '@simonsmith/cypress-image-snapshot/command';
"extends": "../tsconfig.json",
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es5",
"lib": ["es5", "dom"],
"types": ["cypress", "node", "@simonsmith/cypress-image-snapshot/types"]
"include": ["**/*.ts"]
"scripts": {
"cyopen": "cypress open --env updateSnapshots=true",
I have /cypress/screenshots/snap-test.png created with
"Image was NaN% different from saved snapshot with undefined different pixels."
I have the same results with script
"cypress open",
Hmm, I wonder if this was introduced by #51
Can you try 9.0.1
and see if it is still an issue?
Just tried with 9.0.0 and 9.0.1, same issue.
I can confirm this error within our project.
The project lives inside a NX mono repo with the default file structure of a NX app. Cypress is also configured to use Cucumber preprocessor plugin. The host system is a macOS.
- "@nx/cypress": "18.3.3",
- "cypress": "13.8.1",
- "@cypress/browserify-preprocessor": "3.0.2",
- "@badeball/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor": "20.0.1",
- "@simonsmith/cypress-image-snapshot": "9.0.3"
Print out of the task Matching image snapshot:
"screenshotsFolder": "/Users/foo/projects/project/nx-root-folder/apps/e2e-project/cypress/screenshots",
"isUpdateSnapshots": false,
"isSnapshotDebug": false,
"specFileRelativeToRoot": "src/integration/login/homepage.feature",
"e2eSpecDir": "cypress/e2e/",
"currentTestTitle": "Homepage",
"failureThreshold": 0,
"failureThresholdType": "pixel",
"snapFilenameExtension": ".snap",
"diffFilenameExtension": ".diff"
Print out of the task Recording snapshot result:
- What is the relevancy of the prop "e2eSpecDir"?
- Does this plugin expect that some default paths are followed (which are maybe changed due to NX)?
What is the relevancy of the prop "e2eSpecDir"?
That would relate to this part - https://github.com/simonsmith/cypress-image-snapshot?tab=readme-ov-file#snapshot-paths
Hi @simonsmith and Thank you for wonderful lib.
I just found out that if @badeball/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor
installed with cypress-image-snapshot
, error occured which obriankevin11 mentioned (ex> Image was NaN% ...)
Any suggestion for this?
My cypress config:
import { defineConfig } from 'cypress'
import createBundler from "@bahmutov/cypress-esbuild-preprocessor";
import { addCucumberPreprocessorPlugin } from "@badeball/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor";
import createEsbuildPlugin from "@badeball/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor/esbuild";
import { addMatchImageSnapshotPlugin } from '@simonsmith/cypress-image-snapshot/plugin'
export default defineConfig({
video: false,
e2e: {
specPattern: "**/*.feature",
"baseUrl": "https://local-ditto.devel.kakao.com/",
env: {
"ALLOW_SNAPSHOT": process.env.ALLOW_SNAPSHOT === undefined ? false : true
trashAssetsBeforeRuns: false,
async setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
await addCucumberPreprocessorPlugin(on, config);
plugins: [createEsbuildPlugin(config)],
return config
@eddie0329 Sounds like #50