
We're a small high-trust livelihood pod doing tech consulting within Enspiral.

Enspiral Root Systems

Root Systems logo

We're a small high-trust livelihood pod doing tech consulting within Enspiral.

{% youtube %}https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zo9TOSxnY2I{% endyoutube %}

VIDEO: Root Systems co-founder Dan describing our journey so far and how we use the advice process (video slides)

Purpose (Why)

Our purpose is to imagine and cultivate local replicable life-support systems for interdependent abundance.

Strategy (How)

We primarily do tech consulting to bootstrap our more aspirational outcomes.

Want to work with us? Here's an example of our ideal external consulting contract:

  • You, the client, have an existing source of revenue and want to build a new or replace an old software product or service.
  • We start with a series of collaborative discovery workshops to focus and clarify the problem we're solving with you.
  • We connect with relevant stakeholders to refine the scope into clear and actionable job stories, preferably with accompanying executable specifications.
  • We begin our iterative development process, charging hourly rates as fuel to push the vehicle forward.
  • We continue to check back in with stakeholders at each relevant cycle, to ensure our work matches the needs of your business.

Meanwhile, internally we spend our available energy to:


  • Cobuy: group wholesale purchases as a consumer co-op


About this handbook

Stories in Ready

If you find this handbook helpful in your work, please let us know. We'd love to hear from you. 🐌

You can find the code on GitHub, and download the handbook in different formats from Gitbook.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Unported License.