
Getting "Error 500" with no error message when logging in

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I installed the plugin, generated a hash, and added the user information to my metadata.json file. Whenever I enter my account information and click the "Log In" button I am taken to the standard "Error 500" page with no information in the red box to indicate what the error is. In the Datasette output, all I see is this:

INFO: - "POST /-/login HTTP/1.1" 500 Internal Server Error

I am running Datasette on a Windows 10 desktop. Here is the script that launches Datasette (some things replaced to avoid exposure):

@echo off
set PASSWORD_HASH_replacedusername="<hash generated by plugin and surrounded by double quotes>"
datasette <path to db file> --metadata metadata.json -h --ssl-keyfile <path to key file> --ssl-certfile <path to cert file> >> datasette.log 2>&1

I did try surrounding the hash value in the above script with single-quotes instead of double-quotes, to no effect.

Here is the output of "/-/plugins":

        "name": "datasette-permissions-sql",
        "static": false,
        "templates": false,
        "version": "0.3a0",
        "hooks": [
        "name": "datasette-backup",
        "static": false,
        "templates": false,
        "version": "0.1",
        "hooks": [
        "name": "datasette-vega",
        "static": true,
        "templates": false,
        "version": "0.6.2",
        "hooks": [
        "name": "datasette-json-html",
        "static": false,
        "templates": false,
        "version": "0.6.1",
        "hooks": [
        "name": "datasette-auth-passwords",
        "static": false,
        "templates": true,
        "version": "0.4",
        "hooks": [
        "name": "datasette-saved-queries",
        "static": false,
        "templates": false,
        "version": "0.2.1",
        "hooks": [
        "name": "datasette-search-all",
        "static": false,
        "templates": true,
        "version": "1.0.1",
        "hooks": [

Here is the output of "/-/metadata" (replaced a few values that I didn't want exposed):

    "title": "Dokuwiki Struct Database",
    "description": "Browse the contents of the struct.sqlite3 database file on the personal wiki.",
    "plugins": {
        "datasette-auth-existing-cookies": {
            "api_url": "...",
            "auth_redirect_url": "...",
            "original_cookies": [
        "datasette-auth-passwords": {
            "replacedusername_password_hash": {
                "$env": "PASSWORD_HASH_replacedusername"
            "actors": {
                "replacedusername": {
                    "id": "replacedusername",
                    "name": "Luc Daigle"

Here is the output of "/-/versions":

    "python": {
        "version": "3.8.3",
        "full": "3.8.3 (tags/v3.8.3:6f8c832, May 13 2020, 22:20:19) [MSC v.1925 32 bit (Intel)]"
    "datasette": {
        "version": "0.56"
    "asgi": "3.0",
    "uvicorn": "0.13.4",
    "sqlite": {
        "version": "3.31.1",
        "fts_versions": [
        "extensions": {},
        "compile_options": [

Any help/insight you can offer would be appreciated. Thanks!
