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Welcome to PyFVCOM!

Table of contents


PyFVCOM is a collection of various tools and utilities which can be used to extract, analyse and plot input and output files from FVCOM.


Easiest way is to install with pip/pip3:

pip install PyFVCOM


  • Python. This has been written against Python 2.7.11 and tentatively against Python 3.4.3, so in principle anything newer than those should be OK.

  • numpy, again, this has been tested with numpy version 1.4.1 to 1.10.4.

  • scipy, versions 0.7.2 to 0.14.1.

  • matplotlib, versions 1.0.1 to 1.5.1.

  • netCDF4, version 0.9.9 to 1.1.5.

  • jdcal, version 1.0 to 1.2.

  • pyshp, version 1.2.3.


  • iPython, version 0.10.2 to 3.2.1. This makes for a good development environment, particularly when invoked with the -pylab argument, which automatically imports matplotlib.pylab and numpy, amongst others.


  • buoy_tools - read data from an SQLite3 database of BODC buoy data.

    • get_buoy_metadata
    • get_buoy_data
  • cst_tools - create coastline files for SMS from shapefiles or DHI MIKE arcs.

    • read_ESRI_shapefile
    • read_arc_MIKE
    • read_CST
    • write_CST
  • ctd_tools - interrogate an SQLite data base of CTD casts.

    • get_CTD_metadata
    • get_CTD_data
    • get_ferrybox_data
  • current_tools - convert from vector components to scalars and back.

    • scalar2vector
    • vector2scalar
  • grid_tools - tools to parse SMS, DHI MIKE and FVCOM unstructured grids. Also provides functionality to add coasts and clip triangulations to a given domain. Functions to parse FVCOM river files are also included, as is a function to resample an unstructured grid onto a regular grid (without interpolation, simply finding the nearest point within a threshold distance).

    • read_sms_mesh
    • read_fvcom_mesh
    • read_mike_mesh
    • read_gmsh_mesh
    • write_sms_mesh
    • write_sms_bathy
    • write_mike_mesh
    • find_nearest_point
    • element_side_lengths
    • fix_coordinates
    • clip_triangulation
    • get_river_config
    • get_rivers
    • mesh2grid
    • line_sample
    • OSGB36_to_WGS84
    • connectivity
    • clip_domain
    • surrounders
    • get_area
  • ll2utm - convert from spherical to cartesian UTM coordinates and back. Available from http://robotics.ai.uiuc.edu/~hyoon24/LatLongUTMconversion.py.

    • LL_to_UTM
    • UTM_to_LL
  • ocean_tools - a number of routines to convert between combinations of temperature, salinity, pressure, depth and density.

    • pressure2depth
    • depth2pressure
    • dT_adiab_sw
    • theta_sw
    • cp_sw
    • sw_smow
    • sw_dens0
    • sw_seck
    • sw_dens
    • sw_svan
    • sw_sal78
    • sw_sal80
    • sw_salinity
    • dens_jackett
    • cond2salt
    • vorticity (currently empty)
    • zbar
    • pea
    • simpsonhunter
    • mixedlayerdepth
    • stokes
    • dissipation
    • calculate_rhum
  • plot - plotting class for FVCOM outputs.

    • Plotter.plot_field
    • Plotter.plot_quiver
    • Plotter.plot_lines
    • Plotter.remove_line_plots
    • Plotter.plot_scatter
  • process_results - perform some analyses on FVCOM data read in using read_FVCOM_results.

    • calculate_total_CO2
    • calculate_CO2_leak_budget
    • data_average
    • unstructured_grid_volume
    • residual_flow
  • read_results - parse the netCDF model output and extract a subset of the variables.

    • ncwrite
    • ncread
    • read_probes
    • write_probes
    • elems2nodes
    • nodes2elems
  • stats_tools - some basic statistics tools.

    • calculate_regression
    • calculate_polyfit
    • coefficient_of_determination
    • fix_range
    • rmse
  • tidal_ellipse - Python version of the Tidal Ellipse MATLAB toolbox http://woodshole.er.usgs.gov/operations/sea-mat/tidal_ellipse-html/index.html.

    • ap2ep
    • ep2ap
    • cBEpm
    • get_BE
    • sub2ind
    • plot_ell
    • do_the_plot
    • prep_plot
  • tide_tools - tools to use and abuse tidal data from an SQLite database of tidal time series.

    • julian_day
    • gregorian_date
    • add_harmonic_results
    • get_observed_data
    • get_observed_metadata
    • clean_observed_data
    • parse_TAPPY_XML
    • get_harmonics
    • read_POLPRED
    • grid_POLPRED
    • get_harmonics_POLPRED


The examples directory includes some Jupyter notebooks of some brief examples of how to use PyFVCOM. There are also sample scripts of those notebooks.