
This repositry contains the Dockerfiles to build containers to compile Delft3D Flexible Mesh (source linked in readme)

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Compiling Delft3D Flexible Mesh on Docker Containers

This repository contains the Dockerfiles to build containers to compile Delft3D Flexible Mesh on different OS source

Using >> ubuntu-20.04_intel_basic

Because of issues with SVN inside docker, the code is downloaded first (outside of docker), then copy inside container when building the image.

General process for tag 68819

cd ./ubuntu-20.04_intel_basic
# install subversion
sudo apt-get -y install subversion
# pull the delft3dfm svn repositry - replace the username and password placeholders with your oss.deltares.nl credentials 
# For now we should use the tag 68819 as explained here : https://svn.oss.deltares.nl/repos/delft3d/tags/delft3dfm/142632/
# newer tags use a different install process (ongoing work to make it work, see below)
svn checkout https://svn.oss.deltares.nl/repos/delft3d/tags/delft3dfm/68819/ delft3dfm_68819 --username <username> --password <password>

# zip the repositry in folder for faster and reliable copying into docker-container filesystem and place it in the delft3dfm_source dir available for the docker instance during build
tar -czvf delft3dfm_68819.tar.gz delft3dfm_68819
mkdir delft3dfm_source && mv delft3dfm_68819.tar.gz delft3dfm_source/
# remove the downloaded repositry from host if desired
rm -rf delft3dfm_68819

Once complete we can build the docker image

"docker build --network=host -t delft3dfm:68819 ."

To run interactively

"docker run --network=host -it delft3dfm:68819 ."

Run the examples:

cd /home/delft3dfm_compile/delft3dfm_68819/examples/01_standard

The compiled binaries and shell scripts are saved in /opt/delft3dfm/bin/*** so paths in the bash scripts to run the examples (run.sh , run_parallel.sh) need to be updated

Change from




Push to Docker Hub

docker tag delft3dfm:68819 simonwp/delft3dfm:68819 # tag local image with correct dockerhub name
docker push simonwp/delft3dfm:68819 # push image to docker hub

General process for newer tags and/or trunk version (ongoing)

As outlined here https://svn.oss.deltares.nl/repos/delft3d/tags/delft3dfm/142632/, the build process is different for newer tags using CMAKE

see src/README cmake/README

"docker build --network=host -t delft3dfm:140221 -f Dockerfile_CMAKE ."

use build.sh that uses some of the build scripts in /src trying ./build_gnu.sh need to install gfortran apt-get install gfortran (see Dockerfile_CMAKE)

The bash scripts to run the different modules are now saved here : /home/delft3dfm_compile/delft3dfm_140221/src/bin

This path should be changed in bash scripts provided to run examples.