
Github actions failing on earthscope_tests branch

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Despite earthscope_tests being identical (after recent merging) to fourier_coefficients for all common folders, the github actions fail in earthscope_tests with weird errors, the most common of which is:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'mth5.utils'

Running tests on earthscope_tests locally, all tests pass.

Here is a debugging exercise involving merging earthscope in fc:

[ ] fork fourier_coefficients branch to fix_issue_293
[ ] Modify aurora/.github/workflows/tests.yml so that it is minimal (fast) but runs one of the failing tests on fourier_coefficients, for example tests/io/
[ ] push fix_issue_293 and confirm test is passing (this is just fc with reduced tests)
[ ] as a sanity check, merge earthscope_tests into debug_earthscope_into_fc_0 and confirm test fails
[ ]Now debug by removing the files from merge and adding them in one at a time ...

When I said the tests run locally, what I meant was pytest ran fine form aurora/tests directory.
If I use the syntax of the tests.yml from which is executing from the topmost aurora folder
pytest -s -v
I was able reproduce the error locally.

A helpful tool which was enough to reproduce the error without executing the tests:
pytest -s -v --collect-only
It looks like the issue goes away if I rename to
I chose to rename it to though