
Love track notification

inverse opened this issue · 15 comments

Perhaps this would be nice to have a configurable persistent notification to love tracks.

A widget maybe?

Could be a widget but I never use those ;)

Ok. I'll probably do both.

Do you think the feature could be useful?


I'll try to have this done by 1.5.4

i'd very appreciate a small widget with "love track" button

it'll be awesome to have a love track button!

Ok. I don't have the widget ready yet, but I have added an action button in the notification.

Would it be possible to have an intent for Tasker to do this as well?

@HumbleBeeBumbleBee any information on how long until it's merged and released? Also, perhaps close the issue now that it's resolved?

@Nordblum I apologize for the delayed response. I have been extremely busy for the last little while. I am not sure when the next time I will have proper freedom to work on this project again.

For now I can do simple updates.

Any chance this can get revisited at some point? Having a widget or a tasker intent to love the currently playing track would really be appreciated. Thanks.

Similar Issue.

Closing for discussion to continue on #303
I will add the widget discussion and love track storage feature there.