
Feature proposal: multiple coverages in one html

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Given that we have multiple different tests or specs run. In case of RubyMine these runs have separated reports hence they aren't merged by simplecov. It would be very nice for report generator to take multiple file paths and merge results in one html.
E.g.: I have to reports:
The first has 100% in foo.rb and 20% in foo_test.rb
The second one has 100% in foo_helper.rb and 20% on other lines in foo_test.rb
Then I expect to get one html with 100% for foo, foo_helper and 40% (or less if lines intersect) for foo_test.


Hi @Pr0p1k - the simplecov README has an entire section related to merging. There's even as of somewhat recently a new API thanks to some contributors to support this kind of thing:


Hi @Pr0p1k - does this solve your problem and can I close?