
How to configure SimpleCov with Spring?

onebree opened this issue ยท 12 comments

Rails 4.2.0, RSpec 3.1, SimpleCov 0.9.2

I have the following in my rails_helper.rb file, outside of the RSpec.configure block

require 'simplecov'
SimpleCov.start 'rails' do
  add_filter '/app/models/legacy/'
  add_filter '/app/controllers/playlists_controller_legacy.rb'
  add_filter '/app/models/login.rb'
  add_filter '/app/models/login_auth.rb'
  add_filter '/app/models/login_config.rb'

I have read online that some people find running spring rspec returns high or even 100% coverage. It does not seem that way for our app, but I would just like to make sure. The LOC count seems a little low (short by 1000 maybe?), although again that could be from recent refactoring I have not viewed the commits for.

And my config/spring.rb file contains nothing about SimpleCov. Would I put the above configuration in the spring file itself, or under the Spring.after_fork block?

I definitely have an issue with spring and simplecov:

$ bundle exec rspec
Finished in 15.98 seconds (files took 8.6 seconds to load)
87 examples, 0 failures, 5 pending

Coverage report generated for RSpec to /Users/craigsniffen/Documents/Projects/71lbs/coverage. 2372 / 7486 LOC (31.69%) covered.

$ bundle exec spring rspec
Finished in 13.9 seconds (files took 0.65848 seconds to load)
87 examples, 0 failures, 5 pending

Coverage report generated for RSpec to /Users/craigsniffen/Documents/Projects/71lbs/coverage. 18 / 27 LOC (66.67%) covered.

This is with config.eager_load = true set in the test environment, as I'd like to have all the files, even untested ones, in the coverage report. Setting this to false 'fixes' spring:

$ bundle exec rspec
Finished in 20.97 seconds (files took 11.15 seconds to load)
87 examples, 0 failures, 5 pending

Coverage report generated for RSpec to /Users/craigsniffen/Documents/Projects/71lbs/coverage. 1505 / 3530 LOC (42.63%) covered.

$ bundle exec spring rspec
Finished in 15.01 seconds (files took 0.89234 seconds to load)
87 examples, 0 failures, 5 pending

Coverage report generated for RSpec to /Users/craigsniffen/Documents/Projects/71lbs/coverage. 1188 / 2953 LOC (40.23%) covered.

The difference in LOC is troubling, however. It's also not loading all of the files as I'd want.

Why is the LOC count in your first bundle exec rspec higher than the second?

I have the following settings in my test.rb file:

  # The test environment is used exclusively to run your application's
  # test suite.  You never need to work with it otherwise.  Remember that
  # your test database is "scratch space" for the test suite and is wiped
  # and recreated between test runs.  Don't rely on the data there!
  config.cache_classes = false

  # Disable Rails's static asset server (Apache or nginx will already do this)
  config.serve_static_files = false
  config.eager_load = false

When running rspec alone, versus with spring, I did not notice a change in LOC or coverage. As I mentioned in my original post, we may have truly deleted a couple thousand LOC.

I'm going to assume that it's because it's loading files that weren't loaded in the other run. I have very poor test coverage.

I found the new section on the readme for dealing with spring, but after implementing it my coverage reports now claim that all code outside of methods are not covered.

I am going to run some tests with eager load toggled. Thank you for the advice

UPDATE: I see what you mean. Turning eager load to true makes my coverage 0/0 LOC at 100%

bf4 commented

Maybe a dumb question, but have you seen #341 (in the README?)

Also, and this is just my opinion, but spring ruins everything it touches. I can't tell you how many times some bizarre error has been due to spring running old code. My bash_profile now has export DISABLE_SPRING=1 and things have been normal since. And conceptually, I don't think there's a right way to mix persisting pre-loaded code with tracking discrete runs of executed code. Maybe some of will make it into SimpleCov at some point which will make this feasible. Also, check out

I did see that part of the README. My question, do I put that in my Spring.after_fork? Or completely before then? This is my my configuration now:

# config/spring.rb
Spring.after_fork do
  if Rails.env == "test"
    class ActiveRecord::Base
      mattr_accessor :shared_connection
      @@shared_connection = nil
      def self.connection
        @@shared_connection || 1) { retrieve_connection }
    ActiveRecord::Base.shared_connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection

    RSpec.configure do |config|
      srand; config.seed = srand % 0xFFFF

@bf4 As I mentioned, I do not see any strange behavior with spring right now. I just wanted to properly set it up to prevent any behavior. When I make major changes I use spring stop and start back up again. My SimpleCov config is in my rails_helper.rb, with config.eager_load = false.

I guess I should simply not fix what ain't broken?

bf4 commented

As a related note, since this is one of the top search results for "SimpleCov eager_load", if you do want to eager load all your code, you could try what is mentioned here:

just run Rails.application.eager_load! manually after SimpleCov.start

I'll submit a PR for the docs if this seems like something that should be in the documentation!

@ibrahima thanks for the suggestion! Unfortunately, I'm seeing this error spec/spec_helper.rb:6:in <top (required)>': uninitialized constant Rails (NameError) after adding Rails.application.eager_load! to my spec_helper.rb. Should I add the line to my rails_helper.rb, down the require list instead?

Just to let you know, everything is working fine when I moved Rails.application.eager_load! to rails_helper.rb juts after the require "spec_helper" line. I'm also seeing improvements in the coverage, probably this fixed our problems - thanks!

I was having this issue recently and I tried to do the suggested approach of setting config.eager_load = false in config/environments/test.rb and doing the following in spec/rails_helper.rb:

require "simplecov"
SimpleCov.start "rails" 

this did not work for me, but what did work for me is updating config/environments/test.rb like so:

require "simplecov"
SimpleCov.start "rails" 

Rails.application.configure do
  config.eager_load = true

so that the SimpleCov call preceded the Rails configuration step