
5.0.0-alpha.7: Response::toXML broken

SiebelsTim opened this issue · 1 comments

Somewhere between alpha.4 and alpha.7 the entire toXML-infrastructure was reworked. Now Response::toXML is broken.

  • Response::toXML was removed in favor of toUnsignedXML where AbstractMessage::toXML calls $this->toUnsignedXML
  • Response extends AbstractStatusResponse. AbstractStatusResponse uses ExtensionsTrait.
  • ExtensionsTrait overwrites AbstractStatusResponse::toXML which does not invoke toUnsignedXML rendering the XML-conversion incomplete

As a result, a Response will always be <samlp:Response xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol"/> missing all its children and various attributes.

Hi Tim! Thanks for reporting this. The 5.0 release is still a work in progress, but this was indeed a bug.. The trait was completely unnecessary, so I simply removed it.