
User Story - Summarizer API Setup (#32)

Closed this issue · 1 comments


As a developer, I would like to have an API for our service.


  • Create a Flask app
  • Create a landing page for GET request redirection
  • Create a route for requesting a summary of text
  • Create a helpful response for when there is a request made with incorrect formatting or method
  • Link the Summarization package to the route for basic summarization

Acceptance Criteria

  • Given that the application is created, when a user visits the website they will see a landing page.
  • Given that the landing page is implemented correctly, when a user goes to the landing page then they will be redirected to the main web application.
  • Given that the route for summarization is implemented properly, when a request is made to the route then we will be able to send a basic response back.
  • Given that the NLP package is properly connected to the API, when a request is made to the route with text then the API will send back a basic summarized response.