
Sisyphus with IE 8&9

Closed this issue · 3 comments

First, I want to thank you for creating this jQuery Plugin.

I tried out Sisyphus, using FF and Chrome, and it worked great!

One thing I noticed with IE8 & IE9 when trying your site is( ):
When I refresh it works great, but if I close the tab or window it doesn’t remember the text.
Or if I have two tabs (one on the Sisyphus site, and another somewhere else), then close the Sisyphus tab, then open a new tab, and go back to the Sisyphus site, I still don't have any text that I had input into the form.

I also asked a friend of mine for a sanity check, since the machines I was testing on, are both on the same domain. And he was not able to get it to work either.

After emailing Alexander, he sent me a few links, one of which was:

There is a script on there I tried on my local webserver, which worked fine in both IE8 & IE9
I also went to and it works fine in both IE8 & IE9.

So coming down to it, it seems there may be an issue in the code that pertains somehow to IE?

One thing that I think might be helpful would be to use
$.jStorage.currentBackend() which Returns the storage engine currently in use or false if none

Hi, thanks for reporting the issue. But I quite can't get what's the problem you found, explanation is very vague, not straight.
Let me clarify that localStorage object is supported by ie8+ oficially as well as by other browsers (Chrome, FF, Safari, Opera) and it's used to store user's forms data.

Again, I've just checked how the demo site is working in IE8, and everything is fine and as expected. Also, please note that sisyphus on the demo site is working by timeout.

If you opened 2 tabs, there's definitely a collision caused by that: site in each tab is storing the data into Local Storage with the same keys, so it's gonna be overwriten. Thus second tab could rewrite non-empty values of the first tab by its empty values. That's not an issue, it's native behaviour.

So If you:

  1. Open up IE8 or IE9
  2. Go to
  3. Then type in some text, in the text boxes.

If you just refresh everything works as expected.
If you close the browser, then reopen it, and go back to
Do you see the text that you typed in? (I do not see any of the text that i put into the page)

I figured that maybe IE doesn't allow the storage to persist after a close of the browser so I tried this:

  1. Do the 3 steps above, then do the following:
  2. Open a new tab to
  3. Close the tab.
  4. While leaving the tab open, open a new tab, to
  5. Do you see the text that you typed in? (I do not see any of the text that i put into the page)

So when I do the above in Chrome, Firefox and Safari, I do see the text.


I found out what the issue was:
This is from the Developer Tools in IE9

SEC7112: Script from was blocked due to mime type mismatch