
sites running sisyphus

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hey guys, do you know who is using sisyphus in production? I would like to take a look on some real world examples. Thanks!

We use it in a very "out of the box" form (via here:

It is a danish site made in drupal, but you should be able to get an idea about it once you sort away all the drupal js and markup clutter :)

I use it on my RPG forums but encountered some issue with Sisyphus and SMF 2.0 when used with Chrome and FF. Indeed when you are on the post page going back and forth in browser history results in the thread being locked after posting message. The problem seems related to the way both browser keep information about the state of a page internally, probably conflicting with Sisyphus. Note that Opera and IE are not affected by this issue.
So until i find a cure for the issue, Sisyphus is no more enabled on FF and Chrome users.

That is an interesting read, thank you guys for sharing this info. But it is not an issue therefore I am closing this now. However, you are totally welcome to keep posting to this thread.