Asynchronous P2P connector (messenger) based on Qt5.
- Sending and receiving data (messages);
- Dialog (chat) for each connection (peer);
- Working using real IPs (can be useful in LAN);
- Working using TOR network (to connect over NAT);
- End-to-end encryption (see 'CRYPTO' for details);
- Unique pair of public and private ECC keys to verify user identity (see 'CRYPTO' for details);
- Cross-platform;
- Working using STUNT (to connect over NAT);
- UI (ncurses);
- GUI (QT Widget);
- Secure exporting of dialogs;
- ...
You need: Qt5 Framework (>= 10.0); Tor (Tor Expert Bundle); GMP (>=2) or MPIR (=3.0.0).
Use qmake + make to build and compile. Build script example for Linux:
mkdir build || cd build
qmake -o Makefile ../
Also, you can use QtCreator to build and compile (recomended for Windows). Please, see 'INSTALL' for details.
To get help enter "/help" in the program.
Use at your own risk. The author does not bear any responsibility.