
DiPho_digital v1.0 issues

Closed this issue · 5 comments

This issue is for tracking found mistakes/issues in DiPho_digital.PrjPcb

  • Missing P3V3 1k5 1% pull-up resistor on USB DP line (STM AN4879 page 4)
  • Add diagnostic ADC channels (f.e. 3V3, 4V7 voltage sense) in future revision
  • Revise the ethernet circuitry
  • add passive PoDL circuit with reverse protection
  • make two dedicated AFE boards?
  • use low profile USB connector
  • replace big SMA connector with small MCX connector and make room for twisted pair connector
  • provide a way to fix both PCBs in the enclosure
  • provide another point of support between PCBs apart from the mezzanine connector