
Set Number Value Not Being Remembered

Opened this issue · 5 comments

At random when I recall a number using the Get Number function it gets the wrong value. For example, I set the value to 0.625 and at random, it will be recalled as 1.000. This only started with the most recent Actions update.

This is an exactly of a Shortcut that this happens in.

Actions 3.0.0 (58) - com.sindresorhus.Actions
iOS 17.3

Nothing changed with this action in v3.

I recommend reducing the shortcut down to just "Set Number" and "Get Number" to make sure the problem is with those actions and not any of the other actions in the shortcut. Also try restarting your device.

I’ve tried that. I’ve added a “Show Alert” to each part of the If Then statement so I can monitor the Set Number value before the volume is changed. I’ll monitor it and see if it still happens.

Nothing changed with this action in v3.

I recommend reducing the shortcut down to just "Set Number" and "Get Number" to make sure the problem is with those actions and not any of the other actions in the shortcut. Also try restarting your device.

I think I may have figured it out. I have 2 other shortcuts, one runs when an app is opened and the other when it closes. When I open the app, all appears to work well. When I tap on a notification to open the app, that’s where the Get number messes up and re-sets it to 1.000.



Nothing changed with this action in v3.
I recommend reducing the shortcut down to just "Set Number" and "Get Number" to make sure the problem is with those actions and not any of the other actions in the shortcut. Also try restarting your device.

I think I may have figured it out. I have 2 other shortcuts, one runs when an app is opened and the other when it closes. When I open the app, all appears to work well. When I tap on a notification to open the app, that’s where the Get number messes up and re-sets it to 1.000.



I can confirm the Get Number action does not work when opening the app from a notification. It always re-sets to 1 instead of 0.625.

Any update?