How do I open a new window on MacOS using SwiftUI and this package?
cyrilzakka opened this issue · 3 comments
cyrilzakka commented
Hello, hope you're well! How do I open a new Window on MacOS using this package?
I tried the following:
import SwiftUI
import KeyboardShortcuts
struct ChatApp: App {
@StateObject private var appState = AppState()
var body: some Scene {
MenuBarExtra("", image: "AppGlyph", content: {
Window("What's New", id: "whats-new") {
Text("New in this version…")
Settings {
final class AppState: ObservableObject {
@Environment(\.openWindow) var openWindow
init() {
// Register the listener.
KeyboardShortcuts.onKeyUp(for: .toggleChatWindow) { [self] in
openWindow(id: "whats-new")
but I get the following:
Accessing Environment<OpenWindowAction>'s value outside of being installed on a View. This will always read the default value and will not update.
I was hoping to have a Mac menu bar icon that open a spotlight-like window with the keyboard shortcut.
sindresorhus commented
Your question has nothing to do with this package. I recommend asking on Stack Overflow instead.
gcstr commented
hey, @cyrilzakka did you find out how to do it?