
Exception for title case and list item punctuation ending with .js

Opened this issue · 7 comments

I'm working on a list called awesome-babylonjs.

One problem I'm getting is that awesome-lint complains about the heading and list item description if the final word is "Babylon.js" because of the period. I believe an exception should be added so that a sentence ending in ".js" will not count as an error. 3D Tetris created with Babylon.js. just isn't natural.

3D Tetris created with Babylon.js. just isn't natural.

I don't see any problem with that. It's just a normal sentence.

You would not write 3D Tetris created with Babylon.js This is a new sentence. for two sentences.

"3D Tetris created with Babylon.js."

See the description this comes from here:
To pass the lint, I would need to add a period to the end of the description.

A period being the last character in a sentence when the final word ends in ".js" feels wrong.

With your logic 3D Tetris created with Babylon.js. This is a new sentence. is wrong too.

@sindresorhus What about titles then? Awesome Babylon.js or Awesome Node.js?

What about them? They are not sentences.

Not sentences, but they are titles. awesome-heading objects to them.

That is a bug