
consider some of my (mad science) modules

juliangruber opened this issue · 0 comments

  • browser-run - Turn your browser into a unix command.
  • proxy-clone - Harmony proxy based clone() implementation.
  • sortable-hash - Hash arrays of numbers into sortable strings with variable precision loss.
  • binary-extract - Extract one or more values from a buffer of json without parsing the whole thing.
  • level-store - A streaming storage engine based on LevelDB.
  • keypair - Generate a RSA PEM key pair from pure JS
  • co-stream - The co generator stream spec.
  • role - Develop services as single processes, deploy them as multiple.
  • co-read / co-write - use node streams generator style.
  • code-to-test-ratio - Get the code-to-test ratio of any project.