
onDidChange is called once

maximeallanic opened this issue · 9 comments

Replace to fs.watchFile in _watch method.

It indeed is called once, and fs.watchFile works as expected as @maximeallanic said, so,is there any plan to fix the issue? @sindresorhus

What Node.js version and operating system? was an intentional choice. If it doesn't work, I recommend opening an issue on Node.js instead.

From the Node.js docs:

Using is more efficient than fs.watchFile and fs.unwatchFile. should be used instead of fs.watchFile and fs.unwatchFile when possible.

brpaz commented

Have the same issue. the onDidChange is only called the first time I change the file config file.

Node v12.16.3 and Fedora 32

MacOS 10.15.5 and Node 12.6.3

I can't reproduce this on my machine. macOS: 10.14.6 node: 12.4.0

Windows 10:

  • node: 12.18.3
    • - Ok
    • fs.watchFile - Ok (+- 1s delay)

Ubuntu 20.04:

  • node 12.18.3
    • - Fail (once)
    • fs.watchFile - Ok


  • I don't have = (

as said by @sindresorhus seems to be a nodejs problem.

There are several issues about this case such as:

I suggest two workarounds:

  1. Implementation of
  2. Add { watchFile: true | false } like { watch: true | false }

@adlerluiz Can you check the latest Node.js 15 version? Would be useful to see if that improves the situation. (We'll still need to work around for Node.js 12)