
using the spell checker to replace a misspelled word crashes electronjs.

williamstein opened this issue · 2 comments

On MacOS, at least for my relatively simple electronjs application, any time I try to replace an incorrectly spelled word, the entire application crashes. I'm using the latest version of Electron.js as of this writing.

I made a simple one-line change in the index.js file and that completely fixed the problem, i.e., replace insertText by replaceMisspelling. Also the change of course makes a lot of sense:

		function word(suggestion) {
			return {
				id: 'dictionarySuggestions',
				label: suggestion,
				visible: Boolean(props.isEditable && hasText && props.misspelledWord),
				click(menuItem) {
					const target = webContents(win);

Using replaceMisspelling seems reasonable given it is what we're doing and is now part of the documented electron.js API:

I've made a PR: #138

I've also confirmed that this bug happens (for my application) on MS Windows, and that this bugfix also works there.