
TypeError: Cannot read property 'getType' of null - Only on mac

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Hello guys,
electron version:9.0.5
electron-dl: 3.0.1

I have an issue: electron-dl throw a
"Uncaucght exception : typeError: cannot read property 'getType' of null at Session.listener (/users.macbookpro/Desktop/.../node_modules/electron-dl/index.js:36:19) at session.emit"
It works perfectly on windows but on Mac it throws this error. On the issue 27 someone talked about an error with the url but the url I use seems fine. I never developped for Mac it may be because of that...

Thanks in advance and have a nice day!

@angelo558 is that version of your app a "Mac App Store" build? We are encountering an issue which appears to only affect MAS builds and trying to debug

jh3y commented

Is the URL for a local file?
Have you tried adding the file protocol? file:/// prepended to the URL fixed this issue for me ๐Ÿ‘

Any malformed URL will give this error. The amount of time I spent debugging why electorn-dl thought the BrowserWindow object was null is a sad monument to my intellect.