Needs compilation step
fregante opened this issue · 2 comments
fregante commented
browserify automatically skips transforms (babel) on external modules so arrow functions are imported as is and don't work in Safari and IE.
I'd suggest rollup + rollup-buble
fregante commented
That doesn't really "fix" it. As is it's incompatible with all versions of Safari and breaks the JS file that imports it. Not to mention UglifyJS, which crashes on =>
, preventing the file creation for any browser. mishoo/UglifyJS#448
sindresorhus commented
@bfred-it Not really something I care about, sorry. I made this to solve my own use-case, which is in an Electron app and a Chrome extension, both fully supporting ES2015. I've now document the requirement. There are probably other similar modules out there you can use instead ;)